Six Degrees of SIS

Ever play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? The objective of the game is to connect any celebrity to Kevin Bacon by 6 people based on the “six degrees of separation” concept. It’s more fun to see if you can connect yourself to any person you can think of in the world and see if you can connect by 6 people. You to your cousin who went to high school with a guy who did a movie and so on and so on. Each person is connected to another person on the planet. That person is connected to another and another until you realize that the world is a small place. 

This is what makes being a part of a community an amazing experience. As we encounter people on our journey we learn more about ourselves. We develop new interests and experiences. When we connect with others, we share these interests and experiences. This leads us to find our common ground with other people. Shared experiences shape our perceptions of the world. When these moments are enjoyable, we hold on to them and make more of them. When they are less than ideal, we find ways to change the world for better experiences. 

We each walk into others’ lives for various reasons. Some people stay for years and become like family. Others are gone as quickly as they arrived with barely a memory. Not all connections are large, but they can be significant in huge ways. There are times when we may not know that we are making a connection. For example, the time one time you dropped your wallet and someone gave it back to you. A friend you just met invites you to a concert. You give the woman who does your hair a phone number to an apartment you saw open up for new tenants. Each small moment can lead to larger moments and our lives can be the sum of it all. 

Other encounters can feel like life-changing events. When our sisters attended the SIS Circle Wellness retreat one year ago, meeting entrepreneur and co-host of The Great Girlfriends podcast Sybil Amuti was a welcome and engaging connection. That experience led to our founding SISters to have grown friendships, opportunities to change careers, build their businesses, participate in writing cohorts, and marathon runs. The opportunity for more growth continues every day. 

On October 19, 2019 we are looking forward to connecting with sisters at our Strength In Sisterhood 2019 Summit: Resilience. We’ll begin in intention setting and yoga. Next, we’ll listen to our women’s panel on resilience. After that, there will be two workshops learning about crystal healing and the importance of self-care. A celebration reception will close the evening with music and food to nourish us. On Day 2 we will have a brunch and workshop allowing time for reflection and deeper connection with yourself and others. This is the hope that SIS Circle has for every event for our participants; to remove one degree from you to your goals or connections with others. We’ll see you there.